
SBB Design Sprint


Tanya Rey

The Zurich University of the Arts (Department Product Design) and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) launched the pilot project in the Sihlposthalle at Zurich main station 2020 based on our winning design proposal.

Before the design sprint we were asked to give railway stations a warmer identity. Commuters are constantly active, yet in a hibernating mental state. Train stations are programmed for functional human and machine interactions. We looked at consumer citizens as sentient beings, who want to be a part of the materialisation process of their environment. We proposed an interactive art platform, which gives railway stations a more colorful atmosphere and artefacts to make people want to spend time on site. The users would have an incentive to revisit the spaces where local artwork is being published and evaluated. The project is fostering social connectivity and giving local craftspeople an opportunity to promote their work. We further aimed to explore how digitised works by a wide variety of local artists can affect visitors in their daily grind in a positive way.

ZHdK Project Website